Tag Archives: Solar Cooking

Solar Cookers Can Help Nepal and the World


Most people hear mention of a solar cooker and they think it must work like the solar panels seen on roofs. No, not quite the same idea since it does not generate electricity, but heat instead. A solar cooker reflects sun light to create heat inside of a pot to raise the temperature to cook food or pasteurize water. A cooker can be made with cardboard and aluminum foil, or with metal reflectors and glass surrounding the pot. The resulting condition, ironically, is akin to the green house effect.

I learned about solar cookers several years ago and started cooking with them regularly. Typically we use them for soup stock, beans or rice. They save energy and our house does not heat up from turning on the oven or stove. The point is, these cookers work really well and I enjoy using them.

Imagine you are in Nepal now, living outside and have no money for fuel to cook, even if you have some food. Someone drops off a solar cooker with a pot, and you are able to use it to make your water safe and cook your simple meal. This is what a little organization called Solar Cookers International can help make happen.

I have supported SCI for the past few years since I realized all the ways that solar cooking can help our environment, along with people’s health and safety. About two weeks ago, I went to their Shine On fundraiser and met some of the five employees that work together in a tiny office to do their BIG work. I saw how dedicated they are to spreading solar cooking around the world.

For more information about SCI, visit the link below. I think what they do is really important.
